Léigh an téacs gairid seo thíos, a bhí ar Scrúdú Creidiúnaithe d’Aistritheoirí Fhoras na Gaeilge, 21 Aibreán 2007. Beidh sé le haistriú agat ar ball beag, i ndiaidh roinnt plé ar an seánra téacs agus ar an gcur chuige aistriúcháin is fearr a oireann dó.
Téacs gairid atá ann, ach is iomaí dúshlán comhréire agus aistriúcháin ann. Tá leagan PDF den chleachtadh le fáil anseo.
We examined the total capital expenditure under the scheme and the associated cost to the Exchequer, and the economic benefits. The study also identified changes which could be considered in relation to the ongoing operation of the scheme.
Major information deficiencies existed in relation to the operation and extent of usage of the relief. These deficiencies have been addressed as part of this study by utilising a wide range of sources. This has enabled us to prepare detailed estimates of the costs of the scheme. The estimated costs relate to projects undertaken since the inception of the scheme in 2002.
An seánra téacs
Féach na nótaí faoin gceannteideal seo i gCleachtadh 1.
Cur chuige aistriúcháin
Féach na nótaí faoin gceannteideal seo i gCleachtadh 1.
Cuir Gaeilge ar an téacs agus cuir d’iarracht i gcomparáid leis an aistriúchán samplach agus na nótaí plé in Nótaí ar Chleachtadh 2.