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Comhairle a chuirtear ar aistritheoirí Gaeilge go han-mhinic gan faitíos a bheith orthu abairtí fada Béarla a bhriseadh. Dea-chomhairle, gan amhras, ach ní miste cleachtadh a fháil ar abairtí fada Gaeilge a scríobh go slachtmhar agus na clásail a fhí isteach ina chéile gan dochar do chiall na habairte. Deis mhaith chuige sin is ea Ceist 1 de Pháipéar Scrúdaithe 2 de chuid an tSéala Creidiúnaithe d’Aistritheoirí Gaeilge. Bainimis triail, mar sin, as páipéar na bliana 2007.

  • Léigh go cúramach na habairtí Béarla le go mbeidh tú cinnte dá mbrí.
  • Déan iarracht ciall na habairte Béarla a thabhairt slán in abairt amháin Ghaeilge, díreach mar chleachtadh ar an abairt fhada a scríobh.
  • Cuir do chuid iarrachtaí i gcomparáid le Nótaí ar chleachtadh 3.

(a)  Because the visitor didn’t know the city very well, he had to ask for directions so that he could get to the train station by three o’clock.

(b)  Has anyone seen the three red apples I left on top of the table before I went upstairs to open the bedroom windows?

(c)  I spoke to the boy whose mother was injured as a result of the accident but he wasn’t able to give me much information.

(d)  A tourist whose bags were lost by the travel agent’s driver reported the matter to the head office of the company but she was not satisfied with the response given because the company was not willing to accept responsibility for the loss.

(e)  Only the children who have a note from their parents will be permitted to participate in games during the break at 12 noon each day.

(f)  The wise old lady knew how and where the incident happened more than thirty-five years ago because she had been at work in the butcher’s shop in the town square when it occurred.

(g)  Regarding the matter to which you referred in your letter dated 12 September 2006, we will try to reach a resolution as quickly as possible but it may take some time to complete the investigation of the facts.

(h)  I don’t remember how many times he told me the same story but by the end of the evening I was tired listening to him.

(i)  Applications are usually made on a standard form which is available on the organisation’s website and will not be processed unless that form, completed in full, is received by the date mentioned in the final paragraph.

(j)  The farmer’s son drank a pint of cold milk before and after eating his lunch in the shade of the trees at the edge of the field in which he was working.

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